Awww, TBS, you shouldn't have!

my undying love and devotion to the show, My Boys, has become known to more than just the five people who read this blog because TBS has decided to air new episodes starting March 31st - the day before my birthday. Someone in
televisionland loves me. If you're not watching it, please do. It's smart and cute and funny and the first two season are available on
Netflix. Totally worth a spot in your queue. I promise.
2. Can you hear me now?

I just figured out that John
Krasinski is the voice in those Blackberry / Verizon commercials. Makes me rethink my recent
Pantech / AT&T purchase a little bit. And takes me back to a time when I almost switched my long distance carrier because of George
3. I wish Al Gore really had invented the

Because then I would be an even bigger groupie. (And no, as you can tell, he isn't Cute Boy #3. My admiration does have its limits...) Since getting
DSL I officially no longer miss having cable. Had I known that almost every show I loved was online I would have ditched
Comcast and my
hamsternet a long, long time ago. My only beef? No episodes of
What Not to Wear online. Why? Do they think anyone is actually going to purchase the entire season? Please. But regardless of potential DVD sales, the world should not be deprived of online viewing of Clinton Kelly in his complete, hour-long adorableness.

I had such high hopes of going to see all of the films nominated for Oscars this year. But
as I mentioned in an earlier post, I failed miserably after seeing only one. I think this is my worst record yet and in my guilt and shame I briefly pondered NOT watching the awards show this year. I know. I said briefly. (I totally aced a "Who Wore This Oscar Dress" quiz on People magazine's website earlier this week, so seriously, who am I kidding?) So yes, of course I will be watching. But now, if for no other reason, than I just found out that
my vampire crush will be presenting one of the awards.
5. Miiiissssterrr Daaaarrrrccyyyy.

Green Girl has been on a Pride and Prejudice kick this week and at one point incited a lively debate over who was the better Mr. Darcy - Kiera Knightly's newer model or the one and only Colin The Ideal Man Firth. I think we can all tell how my vote was cast. I also lobbied for her to create an All Darcy All The Time blog. And I was only kind of kidding. And am now wondering if the BBC or PBS has any of their miniseries available for online viewing...
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