First - So, in my last post, when I said "if the rain holds off..." I apparently didn't realize that I had done something to anger every
deity in the universe. It has not stopped raining since. I may take the two frames for my raised beds and use them to craft an ark.
Second - I've been busy with a big - but fun - project for work and haven't been around a computer much when I've had any free time and could also stay awake enough to type. Luckily Green Girl saved the day with another of her lists and so tonight while I should be doing laundry I'm doing this instead.
Now, here's the 32 more - a list about my reading habits. Or, the list in which I disgrace two high school AP English teachers and the good institution that gave me a college diploma...
1) What author do you own the most books by? Technically - Beatrix Potter. Adult fare - William Faulkner. I'm an English Major from the South, so it's only by default.
2) What book do you own the most copies of? I live in a house with less than 900 square feet. That is not an option. Over time, however,
The Great Gatsby,
The Elements of Style.
3) Did it bother you that both those questions ended with prepositions? Nah. If you'd asked "Where you keep your books at?" then we'd have a problem...
4) What book have you read the most times in your life? Walden. Again, only by default. Not by choice.
5) What was your favorite book when you were ten years old? What was that, sixth grade? Help me, Katie! It was likely something by Judy
Blume as well as anything by our favorite girl detective, Trixie
6) What is the worst book you've read in the past year? Breaking Dawn7) What is the best book you've read in the past year? Right now I'm (finally) reading
Prodigal Summer - I think it will probably end up being the best.
8) If you could force everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be? An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore.
9) What book would you most like to see made into a movie? Hmmm... maybe
A Walk in the Woods by Bill
Bryson. Something by David
Sedaris - if done well - could be some crazy delicious fun.
10) What book would you least like to see made into a movie? Ah, if only we could turn back time, I would say
Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason... Otherwise I'm not sure - I think it's hard to do any good book justice with a movie just because of time constraints. But at the same time I don't mind at all when a good producer and director are able to capture the spirit of a book but not all of the story.
11) What is the most lowbrow book you've read as an adult? I think my
Twilight addiction has been well-documented in this blog. BUT I do stand by it's overall story, quality of characters, etc. (despite
Breaking Dawn). So, if that is the standard, I should also include anything I've read by
Grisham and Brown.
12) What is the most difficult book you've ever read? Beloved. I just shook my head when Oprah put it in her book club and made it into a movie. What was she thinking?
13) Do you prefer the French or the Russians? Russians.
14) Roth or Updike? Not really familiar with either.
15) David Sedaris or Dave Eggers? Sedaris.
Sedaris. And his sister, too!
16) Shakespeare, Milton, or Chaucer? Shakespeare.
17) Austen or Eliot? Austen. Austen. Austen.
18) What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading? All of the great works of the last decade. To this day I still have a hard time reading a novel without feeling that it's an assignment and I need to rush so that I can write the paper for it and then study for a poly sci test and then finish a geology lab and then clean my dorm room. I'm almost like, what, 87? You'd think that would have gone away by now... I have issues...
19) What is your favorite novel? There's something about
The Great Gatsby that I just love. But I think technically it may only be considered a novella...
20) Essay? I guess some of Ann
Lamott's books would be considered collections of essays. She's awesome. And I keep copies of a couple of sermons on file when I need a little inspiration.
21) Work of nonfiction? There's so many - I love nonfiction.
A Walk in the Woods. I thought
Tipping Point was great. I love Sarah Vowel's books. Also,
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers is (I SWEAR!) an awesome book.
22) Who is your favorite writer? Tom Stoppard. I would sit and read the phone book if he wrote it.
23) What is your desert island book? Besides
How to Get off a Desert Island? Maybe James Joyce's
Ulysses. It's something I've always wanted to read, but never had the time or energy to tackle it. For lighter fare - and if I could create my own collection/anthology - all of Nick
Hornby's novels or the two
Bridget Jones books because I could read them over and over again.
24) What are you reading right now? Poisonwood Bible and
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and
Urban Planning and Public Health (it's a real page-turner, trust me!).
25) What fictional character are you secretly in love with? Please - it's no secret. Mr. Darcy. And of course, Edward, my Mr. Darcy With The Very Pointy Teeth.
26) Who deserves to win the next Nobel Prize for Literature? Hell if I know.
27) Describe your weirdest dream involving a writer, book, or literary character. In college I had a Shakespeare course that was crazy hard. I studied endlessly for it and the papers and exams gave me much
anxiety. So, while I don't remember any details of the dreams I do remember having several Shakespeare-related dreams because of that class. As a side anecdote (and proof!) I went to college with
a now-famous actress and a long time ago I saw an interview with her where she was asked if the martial arts training for her role on a TV series
was the hardest thing she'd ever done. She said "No - Intro to Shakespeare with Dr. Lisa McDonnell."
28) What is the most obscure Shakespeare play you've seen? Speak of the devil...
Troilus and Cressida. Yeah, beat that. It also serves as the answer to the question "What is the worst Shakespeare play you've ever seen?"
29) Favorite Play? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard (so I guess
Hamlet should be included too
.) Good ole Will is popping up a lot on this list...
30) Favorite Poem? "i thank you God for this most amazing day," by e. e.
31) Favorite Short story? I don't know that they're favorites, but
The Lottery and
To Build a Fire always stuck with me - though I couldn't remember the title of the last one and literally Googled "short story dog man cold." Ta-
32) Who is the most overrated writer alive today? I have zero authority to judge this, but I'm going to say Dan Brown. The man crafts a thrilling plot and I loved
The DaVinci Code, but I found a lot of the actual writing - especially much of the dialogue - to be, well, much less than thrilling.