Happy Fat Tuesday and/or Shrove Tuesday. Being a Southern Episcopalian we like to dip our toes into both traditions simultaneously.
Some combination of this

and this

is how we like it - because otherwise what kind of Episcopalians would we be if we didn't take advantage of all the available pomp, circumstance and opportunity to party in the name of a High Holy Day?
I haven't yet thought about what my Lenten discipline is going to be this year. I guess I should get on that. Right now my plan is to contemplate it after I stop by church to snarf down a plate of pancakes and sausage, drape myself in Mardi Gras beads and listen to one of our retired priests and his jazz band play while fellow parishioners dance off their dinner in festive hats and masks.
God is good.Regardless of your faith on the matter, I hope your day is as fat, beaded, fluffy, covered in syrup and festive as you would like for it to be.
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Fat Tuesday back at ya! That is a cool tradition--the big thing by us is the Friday Night Fish Fry for Lent.
Happy Fat Tuesday to you too!
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