Tomorrow I pledge to try my very best to live up to the good example our next president has set for us.
But for right now, to mark the glorious end of the sickening feeling of gloom and despair I have felt every day for the past eight years, I would - just for today - like to say that

and you,

and you,

and you,

and you,

and yes, even you guys too,

and you,

and you

and, oh yeah, definitely you,

and you,

and you,

and last, but certainly not least, you,

can suck it.
God Bless America.
AAHH you make me laugh!
AMEN and thank you!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHa! My sentiments EXACTLY! Well writ, Gert!
Katie's friend, Cindy here. The annoying one who speaks Japanese with Dustin. Anyway....just wanted to say I agree. Great post!!
Love it. 'Nough said.
(Wendy aka Becky - Katie's friend)
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