It's never "today on our show we're going to spend an hour with George Clooney in his swimming pool." Never.
Today it was Suze Orman. I do enjoy Suze's financial advice. Even have one of her books. But come on Oprah, it's a holiday. Yes, it's only Columbus Day, but STILL what is the more appropriate way to celebrate the Imaginary Discovery of Our Country:

Or this?
Oh, mama. You know how to heat up MY pool, Gert;) I'm fanning the heat away from my face as I type this. Yowza!
HA! - And a happy Columbus Day to you too, Green Girl! Glad I could be of service :)
I have to say... since this post I've been having a hard time coming up with a national holiday that couldn't be improved with a little Clooney...
Oh,dear--where WAS Clooney when you had a Monday off? He could have been jumping off the couch for US!
Checked out Jen on the Edge's votes for smarmy man? No sign of the Cloonmeister there, un-uh.
GREAT snap that made my evening~
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